Monday, June 15, 2009

The Swarm Part 1

Around Easter, Sensei was camping out at the house for a few days. On his last day there, he heard this loud humming in the room he'd used for sleeping. When he lifted the tarp flap, (no walls, it was cold, it kept the heat from the propane fireplace in) and discovered 1,000 bees swarming against the door wall. Even when he managed to open one side, he could not get them to leave. These Kamikaze bees were bent on self-distruction, to the point that they didn't even notice him when he entered the room.
He called Terminex for their opinion and they said they were endangered honeybees and they couldn't do anything to them. It didn't matter, they all died in a sad pile on the floor and we swept them up later. So strange!

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