Friday, June 12, 2009

What will make the house sing?

Now that the cedar is backed by the black cement board and the brick red windows are adding another touch of brickishness (like the original, common brick foundation), I am forced to consider that maybe blue inside will not be the color that pulls the outdoors in.

We have collected blue in many incarnations: couch/chair, art clock, throws, vases, flower pots. In other words, our lives have been joyously expressing blue for the last 6 years. Sensei has resisted my monochromatic obsession, but it brings me joy, so he has let me go with it.

Now, the flooring issue (wood?, cork?, tile? marble?) has brought up his penchant for connecting the natural world to our unnatural interior in an attempt to merge them. This means that, unlike the bright blue red accents we've connected with our blue furnishings, we are now looking at more of a rust color which is way out of my color palette!! To further confuse the issue, we both love a marble we've found (called "Rain Forest" = some green = uh oh!!) which we would use on one or two accent walls. It would definitely connect with some rusty tile we've found that has the look of wood, but then how do we move into blue from there??????

Any suggestions??

1 comment:

attheconfluence said...

Hmm, it all depends on your shade of blue. We have lots of interior wood (as you well know) and we also have some blue. The trim is a very bright blue - i.e. use really strong blues as accents used to draw your eyes to certain features. We have muted or dark blues, as well as blue/tan and blue/green patterns for furniture and linens. However, we end up using more blue on the outside so that it stands out against the green. And admittedly, we use a lot of rust, brown, and green in the house.