As we continue on our "gutting" process (started in March, 2008), we are confronted with choices about what to salvage and what to toss. Since this project has encompassed removing two ceilings (one was a radiant heating system with burned out wires), a brick propane heater space (and hearth), hundreds of old 2x4's, 10 windows, 2 door walls (and 2 doors with sidelights), bathroom fixtures. . .well, you get the idea, sorting through these "products" becomes a job in itself. Since my husband (Sensei 1) is doing much of the work himself, often the "recycling" becomes my task.
The 2x 4's seem to be a nobrainer in terms of reuse. This is true when the nails can be removed without destroying the integrity of the boards. (With 30 year old wood, that is sometimes impossible.) However, when the nails are twisted and entwined so that it takes me 30 minutes per piece, does the energy expenditure warrant the result? I have other jobs that I am meant to be accomplishing, so how do I decide how much time is appropriate?